So, how do you “attend” a VIRTUAL EVENT?

Chillllleeeee, it’s easy! If you have a computer, smartphone, iPad, tablet, or a laptop — any WiFi/Internet-enabled device! — you can watch right where you are! 

After you register, we’ll send a confirmation email with your unique link, password, and instructions. You will receive this information from both and  

Using the device you plan to view the event on, click the link and enter your unique password.

4 Steps for A great Experience

  1. Decide What Device To Watch On
    You can watch on your computer, laptop, or smart/connected device (like your phone or TV).

    If you're fancy and have a smart tv, you can mirror your screen from your laptop or phone. If you don’t have a smart TV, Chhiiillleee, no worries, try connecting your TV to your computer with an HDMI cord. For more details on how to do this, check your TV manual or click here to learn how. 

  2. Use a Compatible Browser
    Note: Internet Explorer is not compatible with our stream player.

    We recommend the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox on your computer for the best experience. Safari will also work. If you do not have one of these browsers, you can can download here: Chrome FirefoxSafari

  3. Test Your Internet Connection
    We strongly recommend you test your speed using the device you plan to view from the day before. For the best experience, we suggest being hardwired into your internet (not on wireless network). 

    If using WiFi, Sis, it’s imperative to make sure you have Internet connectivity of at least 10 MBPS download. Don’t know your internet speed? You can test here:  

  4. Test Your Login
    We highly encourage you to click the login link to test your access at least a few hours before the VIRTUAL EVENT starts. This will allow you to test your device and connection to make sure you have the BEST experience.

Need a little more help?

Access + Technology Questions

  • There are multiple reasons this could be happening.

    Check your connectivity ay - and ensure you have 10 MBPs of signal.

    It could be an issue with your internet browser. Internet Explorer is not compatible with our stream player. Our team recommends the most up-to-date versions of Chrome or Firefox on your computer for the best experience. If you do not have one of these browsers, you can download here:




  • If possible, we recommend streaming the event on your laptop or phone for the best experience.

    Make sure you have Internet connectivity of at least 10 MBPs. Don’t know your internet speed? You can test here: If you continue to experience Internet connectivity issues, we strongly recommend you view it from a device that is hardwired into your Internet (such as a laptop or desktop computer).

  • Check the volume settings on your device. Make sure that is turned up and not muted. Check that the volume settings on the video player (lower right corner of the video window) is turned up and not muted. If you are watching on a computer and neither of these things help, clear out your cache/refresh (see below) and type in the website address again. See here for more information:



Need a little more help?


  • The program will last approximately 3 hours. Get some snacks ready to gooooo.

  • There will not be a true intermission. If you need to take a break, go for it! You can always replay the event after the fact to catch anything you missed.

  • If you can’t catch us on May 9, we got you, Sis! You’ll be able to replay this event ON DEMAND through May 12 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

  • Sis, you KNOW we can’t keep a good thing to ourselves - there will be a LIVE CHAT in the event portal Comment Section as we watch the VIRTUAL EVENT together.

  • Yes, the online event will have Closed Captioning. There will be a “CC” button in the video player that will allow you to turn “on” Closed Captioning.


  • Yes, you can register a friend and send them a registration as a gift! However, each friend needs their own registration, so register under your friend’s name and email address so they receive their unique login link. Now Sis, we know sharing is caring, but this unique login link cannot be shared.

  • Registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • No. Each registrant will be provided their own unique link to view the Online Event. This link should not be shared with anyone else.

  • YES! You can register anytime through May 12, 2024. However, please note, Sis, that your replay will only be available through May 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

Sis, it is time to ignite your power and become a force at THE POWER MOVES TOUR VIRTUAL EVENT with Sarah Jakes Roberts and some very special guests!

In today's world, we're constantly bombarded with expectations and projections that can cloud our sense of self. Rather than morph into the views society has placed on us, we’re reclaiming our power and moving accordingly. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey with Sarah Jakes Roberts as she brings this amazing VIRTUAL EVENT from THE POWER MOVES TOUR, directly to your screen!

Power players Dr. Anita Phillips, Reesa Teesa, Lauren London, J Bolin, and our favorite Hostess, Kayla Wanakee will take the stage to join Sarah! Trust us, these are special guests you will not want to miss. Our guest segment will be filled with laughter, strength, and wisdom. The event will culminate with an unforgettable message by Sarah that will ignite your power and unleash the force within you. 

Together, we'll open our eyes to how God sees us and awaken our boldness to effect change in the world. Don't miss this opportunity to confidently live out the truth of who God says you are!

In celebration of SJR’s latest book, POWER MOVES, which released April 30, PREMIUM registrations include a SIGNED copy of the new book (to be mailed 4-8 days after registration. Available for mailing to US addresses only)! 

Join us for the Power Moves Tour and discover the keys to unlocking your true potential. Reserve your spot now and prepare to lay hold of power like never before!